Droog, through
UpDroog, has been branching out to explore new models of production and distribution for tangible goods made of dead materials. UpDroog defines dead as materials that have already played out their role as finished products and have lost perceived value through use. UpDroog uses those leftover goods as raw material for "creative re-interpretation in order to bring leftovers back into circulation." They claim they're an alternative to recycling but it's unclear in what way they differ. UpDroog is also claiming to be an investigation into alternative business models. Unfortunately, they haven't made clear what those models are; how they're different; or how they are effectively being applied. The model they've provided looks fairly traditional and has defined value in terms of profit. I look forward to seeing some of the details flushed out and would be very excited to see what their service system looks like especially with human-centered and ecological values as their centerpiece.