Monday, February 6, 2012

Shaping Traditional Oral Knowledge

Sweet Mary. What beauty thoughtful design offers. This in from Jihyun Ryou who is thinking about traditional oral knowledge and how it accumulates from experience and passed not only through words but through our senses. Exploring the issues of waste and preservation, Ryou takes a critical and provocative approach to addressing food and tradition through the design of everyday objects. Why default to refrigeration and high-tech solutions when we can tap into our personal histories to find viable and delightful approaches to navigating our daily lives and needs. Enjoy!

Keeping roots in a vertical position allows the organism to save energy and remain fresh for a longer time. This shelf gives a place for them to stand easily, using sand. At the same time, sand helps to keep the proper humidity.

An egg has millions of holes in its shell. It absorbs the odour and substance around itself very easily. This creates a bad taste if it’s kept in the fridge with other food ingredients. This shelf provides a place for eggs outside of the fridge. Also the freshness of eggs can be tested in the water. The fresher they are, the further they sink.

We tend to think zucchini, aubergine, cucumber, etc. as vegetables.But they are biologically fruits. This shelf gives them a space to be outside the fridge. Also through the ritual to water them everyday, they will stay fresh.

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